The Team
Key Person and Contact with Parents/Carers
Each child is allocated their own Key Person with whom they build a rapport and feel comfortable with. We believe that as the parent, you are the most important person in your child’s life. That is why we will listen to you and make sure we share thoughts and ideas about what will make your child happy and settled at the nursery. Your child’s Key Person will create a secure bond and build on their relationship. They will monitor and complete your child’s observations, reports this will be communicated to you via our FAMLY app, so that you too are involved in your child’s developments and achievements at nursery.
At Littlebrook we use an App called FAMLY with all of our children. Our staff carry out weekly observations which then feed into our progress reports which you will expect to receive every six months. The staff have a visual tracker to plot where the children are in months so that we can see each child making progress.
If we notice a child is not making progress in a particular area, then we will put individual targets in place to help support those areas and discuss with parents/carers if you would like to take any additional steps to help support your child. We will provide you with as much information as possible to make any decisions about further support or help. We have a good relationship with outside professionals and are able to receive additional support whenever it is needed.
Our observations help guide our practitioners in their planning for the children, as well as being guided by the children’s interests. We hold Parents Evenings twice a year and give parents/carers daily face to face feedback on their child’s day at Nursey. We actively encourage parents to share “wow” moments using our “Magical Moments” slips.